我知道 – I KNOW:
The passionate oath is not noticed by the world, nor be long remembered; the physical remains will be worn out by time and smoothed by the wind; your story is destined to dissipate in the ages, being obscured and blurred.
关于我 – ABOUT ME:
一个年轻人,一个总想着旅行的家伙,一个历史爱好者,一个洛可可和雷诺阿的粉,一个地理迷,一个 2023 年毕业的博士,一个拍照的。
A young gentleman, a guy who always thinks about traveling, a history enthusiast, a fan of Rococo and Renoir, a geography buff, a PhD graduated in 2023, a photo taker.

我希望 – I HOPE:
It can be a gallery, an anthology, and a place to record my personal views of the world.
My Gallery

永志不忘 !
Here is looking at you, kid!